We had a successful May BH-BL BPA Breakfast Meeting at the BH-BL High School! It was a packed full meeting beginning with our BPA President Charlie Morris along with our BPA Board Member Heidi Kazlo-Tatro, who presented 2 Outstanding BH-BL High School Seniors with Scholarships. Congratulations to both Ryan Smialek & Victor Little! Ryan received our Business Scholarship and will attend Bentley University in the fall to major in Finance. Victor received the Technology Scholarship and will attend the University of Rochester in the fall to major in Mechanical Engineering. Following that a very informative presentation was given to learn more about the district’s proposed 2022-23 School Budget. We listened to Superintendent Dr. Patrick McGrath & Assistant Superintendents Dr. Collins & Dr. Abdoo during their presentations and participated in a Q & A session. School leaders reminded everyone to Vote on Tuesday, May 17th!