Thank You For Your Recent Membership To The:
Burnt Hills Ballston Lake BPA
Business & Professional Association

Thank you for joining the BH-BL BPA
Our mission is to encourage, support and promote business and our quality of life in The Town of Ballston, Town of Charlton, Town of Clifton Park and the Town of Glenville areas encompassed by the Burnt Hills Ballston Lake School District.
Get the Most Out Of Your Membership
The BH-BL BPA website has several online tools built in to help you get the most out of your annual membership. First and foremost, make sure that your directory listing is complete with all of the important information so that our listing can provide you with off-site SEO in our community. If you need assistance, please reach out to JENNY CRAWFORD, our website manager, at 518-588-0709 or and she will be glad to train you how to update your listing, or for $50 she will be happy to use the content you provide, to create an optimized directory listing for you. Click on the icons below to navigate through some of the important sections on our site. Browse the Directory, Register Online for upcoming events, submit news about your company/organization that we can use to promote you, or contact us with any questions.
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