Annual Holiday Dinner Party
Join us for our very own private dinner party upstairs in their Stunning, Holiday-decorated, Banquet Room overlooking beautiful Ballston Lake while enjoying a Delightful Dinner Buffet and private Cash Bar!
Don’t forget to bring a gift (suggested value of $25, give or take) in order to participate in our traditional, highly anticipated…steal your friend’s favorite gift…Chinese Auction Gift Exchange!
Dacey Bonney & Chris Newell have agreed to be our amazing MC’s for this segment to encourage the steal!
The cost to attend is $35 per person and as always significant others are welcome. Attendance is limited to 50 people so RSVP today through the link below to avoid missing out! We’ll also be accepting donations of cash or gift cards for our Jeanne Bergstrom Families In Need Program.
Anyone who would like to make their donation in the form of Gift Cards., we are hoping to receive cards from the following stores: Amazon, Walmart, Target, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Footlocker, Price Chopper Market 32, Hannaford & Stewarts Shops.
In addition, the 2024 Officers will be installed that evening.
The cost to attend the Holiday Party is $35.00